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Banco de Arte and Supernova Arts

Banco de Arte and Supernova Arts, Hubert Frere-Orbanlaan 50, 9000 - Ghent, during Ghent Art Week: Thursday to Friday, 11:30h - 17:30h / Saturday and Sunday, 11:30h - 16h:30h


Artist: Adilson Santos | Banco de Arte

Bio: Brazilian artist born in 1944, Poções, Bahia. Adilson's work evokes surrealism and its main objects are elements of nature and the female figure. The perfect technique generates work based not only on drawing, but, above all, on emotion. His paintings invite and guide the viewer to appreciate the characters portrayed on the screen through observant expressions enhanced by an air of romanticism. He recently had one of his works, that belonged to Freddie Mercury, sold in an auction at Sotheby's.

Artist: Élon Brasil  | Banco de Arte

Bio: Born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1957 Élon spend sometime living with the Indians from Amazon, African tribes which added to the artist a deep wisdom for perpetuating on his canvas habits, situations and emotions that distinguish each one of these cultures. If you stand before a painting of Élon Brasil it would be easy to understand his fascination for his culture. The beauty is evident as it encompasses the work; its characters and objects that he intends to make eternal on canvas. 

Artist: Amanda Sanzi | Supernova Arts

Bio: Brazilian artist born in São Paulo. Second generation of artists in the family, Amanda Sanzi brings her own contemporary look to her artworks. Passionate about movement, her productions are inspired by great architecture with sinuous movements, fluidity and lightness. Her artworks are recognised for her characteristic technique with acrylic paints in metallic colours, evoking light and elevation to the environments it inhabits. 

Artist: Ana Augusta  | Supernova Arts

Bio: Brazilian artist born in 1977, São Paulo. A self-taught artist, she participates in exhibitions in Europe, the United States and Brazil. “I have a very close relationship with art and spirituality, I am a yogi trained by the Kaivalyadhama Institute in India. Painting for me is a ritual in which I go into meditation before the beginning of the creation process and I try to transform the immaterial into the material, express myself through inner silence and the colours it provokes”. 

Artist: Carmen Bravo | Supernova Arts

Bio: Born in 1991, São Paulo, Brazil Carmen Bravo is the daughter of visual artist Waldo Bravo, growing up in an environment immersed in art. She graduated in Product Design in 2014, and her works reflect geometric, parametric, and constructivist principles, stemming from her academic background. Carmen focuses on experimenting with the endless possibilities of paper, using light and shadow as the primary elements in her pieces.

Artist: Mitiko Aragaki | Supernova Arts

Bio: Brazilian-Japanese artist born in 1940, São Paulo. Visual artist, her work is composed of mixed media such as oil paint, acrylic, collages on fabrics and gold leaf. The main concept of her works is to portray the female universe, in which, through her gestures and her traits that are striking and lyrical at the same time, she symbolises the intellectuality and spiritual wealth of women. She seeks through her production to find the balance of her feelings.

Artist: Lia Fajer | Supernova Arts

Bio: Visual artist, psychoanalyst, interior designer, set designer and ceramist, is from São Paulo, the daughter of Polish Jewish immigrants. Passionate about the Concretism movement, she deconstructs and plays with light and shadow, creating volumes and causing kinetic effects. It contextualizes with the conscious, where lines and colours lead to perceptions of movements in various directions and opposites. Thus causing an illusion of movement. An artwork has to have soul, love and energy, that's how her work is translated. 

Artist: Leticia Mercier | Supernova Arts

Bio: Visual Contemporary Artist from Minas Gerais studied Arts in Costume and Clothing in Rio de Janeiro, worked with fashion, show clothing and as a visual artist. In 2013, she decided to rediscover herself creatively by studying watercolour, oil and acrylic painting, diving deeply into poetic and authorial deconstruction and reconstruction of new symbolisms. She reveals the complexity of the Afro-Brazilian woman by painting figurative portraits and fluid sensorial abstract compositions.

Artist: Seleide Roque | Supernova Arts

Bio: The artist Seleide Roque was born in 1949, in Campina Grande, state of Paraíba/PB. Seleide Roque studied painting with the artist and art critic Raul Córdula at the Conservatório Paraibano de Artes. She was awarded as a revelation artist at the International Art Salon in São Paulo. Fascinated by caves, she is recognized for her Tunnels Series. The first work in the series was produced at age 14 and aims to symbolize longevity and renewal. Her artwork brings unique gestures and colors and will be made up to number 100.

Artist: Ira Rebella | Supernova Arts

Bio: Brazilian-Italian artist born in 1987, São Paulo. Self-taught, she painted her first painting at the age of 19; In the interval between courses, she also studied painting with the artist Solange Benevento, and worked in the area of heritage conservation of the Xingu-Espaço Amarelo Museum, where she lived and was inspired by indigenous art, culture of origins and avant-gardes. The artist assumes an experimentalist stance, characteristic of the hybridity of contemporary art. 

About the galleries

Supernova Arts Gallery: Founded in 2018, Supernova Arts stands out as the pioneering gallery in Latin America to exclusively represent women artists in the contemporary art scene. Led by international art dealer Mia Siufi, with more than 20 years of experience, our mission goes beyond the recognition of female artists; it is to elevate their art, enriching the minds and lives of collectors, adding cultural and intellectual value to their lifestyle.

Banco de Arte: Brazilian Art in Europe Banco de Arte is a gallery with a diverse collection of over 100 artworks, spanning styles from academic to classical, impressionist, surreal, and abstract. Our partnership with the first gallery of marchande Mia Siufi alongside her father Nagib André, a marchand with over 50 years of experience, celebrates modern and contemporary art created by authentic artists from different cultures. These artistic expressions translate the richness and heritage of our cultural diversity, a mission that both galleries enthusiastically share.

In 2021, the galleries shifted to operate online and established an office in Ghent, Belgium, facilitating international sales and supporting the promotion of Brazilian and other cultures abroad. Our mission is to promote diversity and showcase art as a tool for social transformation.


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